No ,because these medicines are prepared from natural substances and are administered in minutes doses and thus have no known side effects.
The efficacy or effectiveness of these medicines has been demonstrated by 200 year successful use by physician's all over the world. It acts as promptly and vigorously in man ,woman and in children. It does sometime take the place of surgeon's knife when skillfully used.
Storage guidelines:-
◆ Homeopathic medicines are kept tightly capped at room temperature in a cool , dry and dust free place.
◆ Should be kept away from heat and direct sunlight.
◆ Should not be stored near strong odour like perfumes etc.
◆ Mouth should be properly cleaned before taking medicine. It should be free of food or of any other matter like tooth paste or drink or smoke.
◆ One should avoid taking food or drink anything 15 min before and after taking hom medicine.
◆ One should avoid the use of palm or hand while taking medicine.
◆ Pills can be taken either with the help of cap of the phial or with the help of a clean paper.
◆ Pills should be taken directly on the tongue.
◆ Pills should be allowed to get dissolve and not swallowed or chewed.
Homeopathic medicine gets absorbed from the inner linings of the mouth. Any substance eaten or drunk leaves a coating in mouth & also an odour which hinders the absorption of med or may react with medicine and nullify the effect of the drug. Therefore it is advisable not to drink, eat ,smoke 15 min before and after medications.
The number of pills to be taken at a time depends upon the size of the pills and the potency of the medicine. Actually repetition of the medicine is more important than the number of pills taken at a time .Even the whole bottle taken once will be treated as single dose so it’s a waste to have more pills than advised. Therefore many a times children's swallow all pills from bottle, nothing to worry as it will be treated as a single dose. At the most a cup of coffee is given to prevent any trouble.
Yes , homeopathy medicine are prepared from natural substances and they are administered in minute doses which guarantee absence of toxicity and side effects.
Yes, diabetic patients can take pills because the amount of sugar present is very small. Moreover medicines can be given in liquid form also.
YES, homeopathy can be used in emergencies. Homeopathy has a wide variety of drugs suitable to various types of emergencies like accidents, injuries, burns, bleeding, nerve injury, food poisoning diarrhea, vomiting etc. It is essential to select right remedy and potency to get fast and effective results. Homeopathy can relieve most of the complaints and can improve overall health when prescribed to suit the individual and not just the symptom of the disease.